Saturday, August 1, 2009

Can't Touch This!

Here is a picture of Kim Kardashian sporting a pair of "Hammer Pants", a blue puffy shirt, and some sort of high heel. Now, I'm no fashion expert, but I do hope she didn't pay full price for that shirt. THE SHOULDERS ARE MISSING! No one ever said Kim was a smart woman, and it's being proven as she is caught probably leaving MC Hammers house. Honey, didn't your mother tell you "When you sleep with a married man, take your own pants home." Especially if they are the pants of a has been! Sure sure.. Every one loved him, but it was the 90's people! We also loved Beavis & Butt head, and The Cure.

Don't get me wrong, Kim Kardasian is a beautiful woman. But does anyone know why she's famous anyways?

Now! Joyce DeWitt, that's a talented lady.

"Celery week?! Ohhhh boy, boy boy!!" - Jack.

On vacation to the Putnam County Fair this year with my Grandmother and my younger cousin, we drove through a town called "Celeryville" It was plesent. It was small, too. "Welcome to Celeryville, Population 347." Approx. less than three miles later, "You are now leaving Celeryville."

Also, it's 3:55 in the morning. and I just bought everything I need for school online. Without taking into consideration it takes forever and a day to recieve mail from different places, and I hope I get it in time for school.

We start August 17th, which is very early for us. But our mayor, Mayor Bill Grace, is a complete idiot. Also, I think he needs to be impeached.

What does they mayor have to do with the school system? Everything. We basically live in a communist city.

I'm growing weary of living here. Something exciting needs to happen.

Oh and there are less gay people in this city than I thought. Which makes me feel alone.

It's 4 am now. I'm closing my eyes.



Picture is from --

CLICK THE LINK for more outrageous celebrity crap.

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